Conference Publications
Cole, D.L., Gangammanavar, H., Zavala, V.M. (2023). Hierarchical Graph Modeling for Multi-Scale Optimization of Power Systems. Under Review. [link]
Zhang, W., Zavala, V.M., Pricing and Remunerating Load Shifting Flexibility in Electricity Markets. In Proceedings of FOCAPO/CPC, 2023. [link]
González, L.D., Zavala, V.M., Bayesian Optimization for Automatic Tuning of Model Predictive Controllers. In Proceedings of FOCAPO/CPC, 2023. [link]
Ma, J., Tominac, P., Zavala, V.M. Techno-Economic Evaluation of Infrastructures for Thermochemical Upcycling of Plastic Waste. In Proceedings of FOCAPO/CPC, 2023.
Munguía-López, A.C., Zavala, V.M., and Ponce-Ortega, J.M. Municipal Solid Waste Management Using a Coordinated Market Framework. In Proceedings of FOCAPO/CPC, 2023. [link]
Cole, D.L., Shin, S., Pacaud, F., Zavala, V. M., & Anitescu, M. (2023). Exploiting GPU/SIMD Architectures for Solving Linear-Quadratic MPC Problems. In Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC). [link]
Pulsipher, J.L., Davidson, B.R., and Zavala, V.M. (2022) New Measures for Shaping Trajectories in Dynamic Optimization. IFAC-DYCOPS. [link]
Hernández, E. M., Hu, Y., Zavala, V. M., Martín, M., & Ruiz-Mercado, G. J. (2022). Promoting phosphorus recovery at livestock facilities in the Great Lakes region: Analysis of incentive policies. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 49, pp. 1855-1860). Elsevier. [link]
Lin, L., Zavala, V. M., & Chien, A. A. (2021). Evaluating Coupling Models for Cloud Datacenters and Power Grids. In Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems.
Shin, S. and Zavala, V.M. Controllability and Observability Imply Exponential Decay of Sensitivity in Dynamic Optimization. (2021) In Proceedings of 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. [link]
Alcocer-Garcia, H., Segovia-Hernandez, J., Sanchez-Ramirez, E., Romero-García, A.G., Hu, Y. and Zavala, V.M. Coordinated Management of Agricultural Waste and High-tech Value Bioproducts. In Proceedings of ESCAPE-31, 2021. [pdf]
Shin, S., Coffrin, C., Sundar, K., Zavala, V.M. Graph-Based Modeling and Decomposition of Energy Infrastructures. In Proceedings of ADCHEM, 2021. [link]
Jalving, J., Carter, R., Zavala V.M. Hybrid Optimization Strategies for the Transient Operation of Natural Gas Pipelines, In Proceedings of PSIG Annual Meeting, 2020. [pdf][link]
Shin, S., Anitescu, M., Zavala, V.M. Overlapping Schwarz Decomposition for Constrained Quadratic Programs. Accepted. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020. [link]
Hajizadeh, I., Askari, M.R., Kumar, R., Zavala, V.M., Cinar, A. Integrating MPC with Learning-Based and Adaptive Methods to Enhance Safety, Performance and Reliability in Automated Insulin Delivery. In Proceedings of 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020. [pdf]
Lu, Q., Shin, S., Zavala, V.M. Characterizing the Predictive Accuracy of Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Data-Driven Control. In Proceedings of 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020. [pdf]
Zhang, W., Roald, L.A., Chien, A.A., Birge, J.R., and Zavala, V.M. Flexibility from Networks of Data Centers: A Market Clearing Formulation with Virtual Links. In Proceedings of Power Systems Computation Conference, 2020. [pdf][link]
Tovar-Facio, J., Cao, Y., Ponce-Ortega, J.M., and Zavala, V.M. A Chance-Constrained Nonlinear Programming Approach for Equipment Design Under Uncertainty. Proceedings of ESCAPE-29, 2019. [pdf]
Jalving, J. and Zavala, V.M. Recent Advances in Graph-Based Abstractions for Modeling and Simulating Complex Systems. Proceedings of ESCAPE-29, 2019.
Hu, Y., Ruiz-Mercado, G., and Zavala, V.M. Spatio-Temporal Control of Nutrient Pollution from Organic Waste. Proceedings of ESCAPE-29, 2019.
Shin, S., Smith, A. D., Qin, S. J., Zavala, V.M. On the Convergence of the Dynamic Inner PCA Algorithm. Proceedings of Foundations of Process Analytics and Machine learning, 2019. [pdf]
Shin, S., Faulwasser, T., Zanon, M., Zavala, V. M. A Parallel Decomposition Scheme for Solving Long-Horizon Optimal Control Problems. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019. [link]
Rodriguez, J., Hackebeil, G., Siirola, J.D., Zavala, V.M., and Laird, C.D. Second-Order Multiplier Updates to Accelerate ADMM Methods in Optimization Under Uncertainty. In Proceedings of Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, 2019. [link]
Sampat, A. and Zavala, V.M. Fairness Measures for Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution. In Proceedings of Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, 2019. [link]
Shao, Y. and Zavala, V.M. Electricity Markets Incentivize Technology Modularization. In Proceedings of Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, 2019. [link]
Kumar, R., Wenzel, M. J., Ellis, M. J., ElBsat, M.E., Drees, K.H., Zavala, V. M. A Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Approach for Handling Demand Charges Using Battery Systems. In Proceedings of 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, Paper 260, 2018. [link]
Kumar, R., Wenzel, M. J., Ellis, M. J., ElBsat, M.E., Drees, K.H., Zavala, V. M. A Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming Framework for MPC. In Proceedings of 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 2018, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(20), pp. 493-498, 2018. [link]
Kumar, R., Wenzel, M. J., Ellis, M. J., ElBsat, M.E., Drees, K.H., Zavala, V. M. Handling Long Horizons in MPC: A Stochastic Programming Approach. In Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 715-720, IEEE, 2018. [link]
Kim, K. Anitescu, M., and Zavala, V. M. An Asynchronous Decomposition Algorithm for Security Constrained Unit Commitment under Contingency Events. In Proceedings of 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, 2018. [pdf]
Anitescu, M. and Zavala, V. M. MPC as a DVI: Implications on Sampling Rates and Accuracy. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017. [link]
Dowling, A.W., Zavala, V. M. Redesigning Decision-Making Architectures to Exploit Multi-Scale Electricity Markets. In Proceedings of FOCAPO/CPC, 2017. [link]
Dowling, A.W., Zavala, V. M. Resolving Conflicts Among Stakeholders in Real-Time Operations. In Proceedings of FOCAPO/CPC, 2017. [link]
Dowling, A. W., Dyreson, A., Miller, F., Zavala, V. M. Economic Assessment and Optimal Operation of CSP Systems with Cold Storage in California Energy Markets. In Proceedings of SolarPACES, 2016. [link]
Tian, H., Lu, Q., Gopaluni, R., Zavala, V. M. Multiobjective Economic Model Predictive Control of Mechanical Pulping Processes. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016. [link]
Tian, H., Lu, Q., Gopaluni, R., Zavala, V. M., and Olson, J. Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Mechanical Pulping Processes. In Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2016. [link]
Zavala, V. M. New Architectures for Hierarchical Predictive Control. In Proceedings of DYCOPS, 2016. [link]
Maheshwari, K.., Wozniak J.., Yang, H. Katz, D., Ripeanu, M., Zavala, V.M.,. and Wilde, M. Evaluating Storage Systems for Scientific Data in the Cloud. Proceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on Scientific cloud computing. ACM, 2014. [link]
Kang, Y., Chiang, N., Laird, C.D., and Zavala, V. M. Nonlinear Programming Strategies on High-Performance Computers. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015. [link]
Zavala, V. M. A Multiobjective Optimization Perspective on the Stability of Economic MPC. In Proceedings of ADCHEM, 2015. [link]
Chiang, N. Petra, C. and Zavala, V. M. Structured Nonconvex Optimization of Large-Scale Energy Systems using PIPS-NLP. In Proceedings of 18th Power Systems Computation Conference, 2014. [link]
Heo,Y.; Graziano, D.; Zavala, V.M.; Dickinson, P.; Kamrath, M. and Kirshenbaum, M. Cost-effective Measurement and Verification Method for Determining Energy Savings under Uncertainty. In Proceedings of ASHRAE Annual Conference, 2013. [pdf]
Zavala, V.M. Real-Time Resolution of Conflicting Objectives in Building Energy Management: An Utopia-Tracking Approach. In Proceedings of Simbuild, 2012. [link]
Zavala, V.M. Proactive Energy Management for High-Performance Buildings: Exploiting and Motivating Sensor Technologies. In Proceedings of Future of Instrumentation International Workshop, 2011. [link]
Cioaca, A.; Zavala, V.M. and Constantinescu, E.M. Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Numerical Weather Prediction: Applications to Power Grid Optimization. In Proceedings of International Workshop on High Performance Computing, Networking and Analytics for the Power Grid, 2011. [link]
Robbins, B.; and Zavala, V.M. Convergence Analysis of a Parallel Newton Scheme for Dynamic Power Grid Simulations. In Proceedings of International Workshop on HPC, Networking, and Analytics for the Power Grid, 2011. [link]
Lubin, M.; Petra, C. G.; Anitescu, M., and Zavala, V.M. Scalable Stochastic Optimization of Complex Energy Systems. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2011. [link]
Kannan, A. and Zavala, V. M. A Game-Theoretical Model Predictive Control Framework for Electricity Markets. In Proceedings of 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2011. [link]
Zavala, V. M.; and Anitescu, M. New Insights into the Dynamic Stability of Wholesale Electricity Markets. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, 2011. [link]
Zavala, V. M.; and Anitescu, M. Achieving Higher Frequencies in Large-Scale Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. In Proceedings of IEEE CDC, 2010. [link]
Zavala, V. M.; Botterud, A.; Constantinescu, E. M. and Wang, J. Computational and Economic Limitations of Dispatch Operations in the Next-Generation Power Grid. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Power Supply, 2010. [link]
Alessandri, A.; Baglietto, M.; Battistelli, G. and Zavala, V.M. Advances in Moving Horizon Estimation for Nonlinear Systems. In Proceedings of IEEE CDC, 2010. [link]
Zavala, V. M.; Wang, J.; Leyffer, S.; Constantinescu, E.M.; Anitescu, M. and Conzelmann, G. Proactive Energy Management for Next-Generation Building Systems. In Proceedings of SimBuild, 2010. [link]
Alessandri, A.; Baglietto, M.; Battistelli, G. and Zavala, V.M. Computationally Efficient, Approximate Moving Horizon State Estimation for Nonlinear Systems. In Proceedings of NOLCOS, 2010. [link]
Zavala, V. M.; Constantinescu, E.M. and Anitescu, M. Economic Impacts of Advanced Weather Forecasting on Energy System Operations. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 2010. [link]
Zavala, V. M.; Anitescu, M.; and Krause, T. On the Optimal On-Line Management of Photovoltaic-Hydrogen Hybrid Energy Systems. In Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, 2009. [link]
Zavala, V. M.; and Biegler, L.T. The Advanced Step NMPC Controller. In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Advanced Process Control Applications for Industry - Vancouver, Canada. 2007.
Zavala, V. M.; Laird, C.D. and Biegler, L.T. A Fast Computational Framework for Large-Scale Moving Horizon Estimation. In Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems - Cancun, Mexico. 2007. [link]
Zavala, V. M.; Laird, C.D. and Biegler, L.T. Fast Solvers and Rigorous Models: Can Both be Accommodated in NMPC?. Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on NMPC for Fast Systems - Grenoble, France. 2006. [link]